Welcome to The Feature Café!
I created this blog to host features on all the wonderful shops (and owners) I find on Etsy! Please follow this blog and tell all your friends about it! Remember... I host giveaways, too! If you are interested in being featured, please click here! Thanks!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Featured Seller: JudyJem
Click here for GIVEAWAY!
(1) Who are you?
(1) Who are you?
My name is Judy Jewell and I live in CT.
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
My shop name is KidKnitz and I came up with it because I thought it was catchy and relevant.
(3) What do you create and sell?
(3) What do you create and sell?
I make mostly hand knit and crocheted items for children and moms. I make everything from hats to booties to neckwarmers and coffee cozies.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
I am inspired by color and natural fibers such as wool and cotton yarns.

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
One of my favorite pieces from my shop is a taupe colored baby sweater and hat set. I sold one just like it in raspberry.
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
Not at all. I am a full time second grade teacher and mom.
(7) When did you start your business?
(7) When did you start your business?
I got serious about it in 2006.
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I've been serious about it since 2006.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Yes, but mainly to friends, family, and co-workers. I've also dabbled in consignment.
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
I love everything about Etsy but my favorite thing is the community spirit and ease of managing my shop.
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
Yes, the CT Street Team and Etsy Kids.
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?
No, but I've been toying with the idea!

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
I post in the forums alot, list/reslist often and I post photos on my Facebook account and Flickr.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
I don't often have spare time but when I do I like to take walks, read, organize, surf the internet, and knit and crochet. I also teach knitting and crocheting classes to kids.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
(15) What is your blog or website url?
I am a religious follower of the Nie Nie Dialogues and C Jane Run.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
I am a huge fan of my sister's shop, greenmountain and my mom's shop, merrymoon and my sister's friend's daughter's shop, vermontfairies.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
My advice is to constantly find new ways to reinvent yourself. Keep your photos crisp and clean and use quality materials to make your items. Keep your shipping costs as low as possible and list as often as you can. Be nice to your fellow Etsyians, give advice whenever you have something valuable to offer. The forums are a great place to do this. Make what you love and love what you make!! Finally, have fun and never take yourself too seriously.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
GIVEAWAY from JudyJem!
Featured Seller, JudyJem, is offering this GIVEAWAY to go along with her feature!
Enter now to win this cute little spotted mushroom, $7 Value!

Good Luck!
Enter now to win this cute little spotted mushroom, $7 Value!

(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! JudyJem will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in JudyJem's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR CUTE GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/givemush" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Tuesday, March 31st at 11:59pm, est!
(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! JudyJem will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in JudyJem's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR CUTE GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/givemush" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Tuesday, March 31st at 11:59pm, est!

Good Luck!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Featured Seller: TheYarnChick
Click here for GIVEAWAY!
(1) Who are you?
I am a mom. I am a wife. I am a military spouse. And I am an artist and crafter. I enjoy time with my family, but enjoy my alone time a great deal as well.
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
The Yarn Chick. My husband had always called me “chicky” so I combined that with my obsession (addiction) with yarn. Pretty simple!
(3) What do you create and sell?
I create modern crocheted accessories. Mostly hats just because I enjoy making them so much and I think they look so darn cute on my kids. I’ve also sold coffee cozies and wrist warmers.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
My kids first of all, like I said. Next is color. I love every color of the rainbow and every color in between. I have favorites of course. I love coming up with color combinations. I also draw a lot of inspiration from texture. I’m one of those people who walks through a department store and can’t help poking my hand out every chance I get to feel different fabrics and textures. On products for sale of course, I don’t cross any personal space boundaries ;)

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
This is such a hard question because I only sell things I love. If I don’t like it, it doesn’t go up in my shop. My monkey hat was completely inspired by my daughter, who I call “my li’l monkey” so that’s a top favorite. I also really love the slouchy caps I have right now. They’ve done really well and I wear one myself most days, they are so comfy.
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
No, I am a mom! But…I do not work outside of the home. J
(7) When did you start your business?
I started this shop in December of 2008. I registered the name in October, but didn’t start listing until December. I had listed some crocheted hats in my first Etsy shop since the summer of 2008, but when they started to take over the shop I opened a home of their own.
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
Since February of 2008.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Yes, I have a shop on 1000 Markets, same name. I have not done craft fairs yet, but am preparing to do a small one in the fall to get my feet wet and then hopefully a bigger one in the winter. I have a lot of inventory building to do for that. I do not put items in brick and mortar shops because being military we move around a lot. I’d want to be near to the shop and I’d hate to get going in one and then have to pull everything out to move.
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
I love the variety of things you can find. It amazes me the talent of people. Their creativity and determination to create what they see in their head. I have spent way more money on Etsy than I have made!
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
Yes. I belong to one team. I have thought of joining others, but the team I am on is important to me. I like to have time for them and the events we hold. It’s the Homefront Team for military spouses. I love those girls. We also have a market on 1000 Markets that I help manage.
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?
Yes! My other shop, and the first one I created is http://bethjt.etsy.com. I sell my artwork, prints, jewelry, and other gifts like magnets and other things that I feel like making. Most of my jewelry is made from seaglass, but I also like using crystals and beads. I work with mainly sterling silver.

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
I have a blog. I have tried out some paid advertising that went well. When I get a good amount of inventory built up again I will do that again. I also twitter. And being on an Etsy team is a great promotion tool. I also have a small decal pasted on both of our vehicles, that has brought me an amazing bit of traffic.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
This IS what I do in my spare time. I crochet, I draw, I make jewelry, I hunt for seaglass, I take pictures, I doodle and brainstorm. My mind never seems to shut off. If I didn’t sell my creations I’d still be doing this, I enjoy it that much. Spending time with my family is the other thing.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
I have a blog where I ramble about whatever is going on or one my mind with my shop and the selling venues I am on. http://bethetsy.blogspot.com I also have a dotcom for my drawings, although I admittedly haven’t updated it in a while. http://www.thompsonportraits.com.
(16) Are there any blogs you follow regularly?
I follow my Etsy team’s blog http://www.homefrontartistryteam.blogspot.com/ There are also quite a few Homefront member blogs I follow. I also like to follow some blogs that regularly feature shops and do giveaways.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
Too many to list! I spend a LOT of time on Etsy, selling and shopping. I love bags, screen printed Ts, baby apparel and accessories, etc etc etc. There are just so many cool shops, I can’t think of just one to mention.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
Since I’m coming up on a year on Etsy, I guess I qualify to give a little advice. The first thing I consider important is customer service. Answering questions in a timely (and polite) manner is really important. While they are waiting for you to answer, they have time to find another shop to buy from. Take pride in your product and make it the best you can. Package it nicely and include a handwritten note. It is a turnoff for me to get a package in the mail to find my product just stuck inside and mailed off without a bit of personal touch. That personal touch is what I love about purchasing handmade.
I am a big believer in good quality product photos. When I stumble into a shop that hasn’t taken the time to take nice photos and I can’t tell what it really looks like or what the real color is supposed to be, I click right back out. It amazes me how many shops put up a blurry photo that tells me nothing about the product, then on top of that write two lines in the description. Won’t be spending my hard earned money there, sorry. If they won’t put the time and effort into their shop, then what does that say they will do with their product?
Don’t sit and wait for people to find you. Consider your shop a little corner of a really huge city of shops. If you don’t put up signs, tell people you are there, and rent billboards you are relying on a stray shopper to stumble in on their own accord. This happens, yes, but not as often as the people who come looking for you because they saw your link, or ad, or blog entry, or google search entry, or their friend who is friends with your friend who told them about it.
I could go on and on about the things I’ve learned and made mistakes doing on my own. But I’ll leave it at that. ;)
(1) Who are you?
I am a mom. I am a wife. I am a military spouse. And I am an artist and crafter. I enjoy time with my family, but enjoy my alone time a great deal as well.
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
The Yarn Chick. My husband had always called me “chicky” so I combined that with my obsession (addiction) with yarn. Pretty simple!
(3) What do you create and sell?
I create modern crocheted accessories. Mostly hats just because I enjoy making them so much and I think they look so darn cute on my kids. I’ve also sold coffee cozies and wrist warmers.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
My kids first of all, like I said. Next is color. I love every color of the rainbow and every color in between. I have favorites of course. I love coming up with color combinations. I also draw a lot of inspiration from texture. I’m one of those people who walks through a department store and can’t help poking my hand out every chance I get to feel different fabrics and textures. On products for sale of course, I don’t cross any personal space boundaries ;)

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
This is such a hard question because I only sell things I love. If I don’t like it, it doesn’t go up in my shop. My monkey hat was completely inspired by my daughter, who I call “my li’l monkey” so that’s a top favorite. I also really love the slouchy caps I have right now. They’ve done really well and I wear one myself most days, they are so comfy.
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
No, I am a mom! But…I do not work outside of the home. J
(7) When did you start your business?
I started this shop in December of 2008. I registered the name in October, but didn’t start listing until December. I had listed some crocheted hats in my first Etsy shop since the summer of 2008, but when they started to take over the shop I opened a home of their own.
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
Since February of 2008.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Yes, I have a shop on 1000 Markets, same name. I have not done craft fairs yet, but am preparing to do a small one in the fall to get my feet wet and then hopefully a bigger one in the winter. I have a lot of inventory building to do for that. I do not put items in brick and mortar shops because being military we move around a lot. I’d want to be near to the shop and I’d hate to get going in one and then have to pull everything out to move.
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
I love the variety of things you can find. It amazes me the talent of people. Their creativity and determination to create what they see in their head. I have spent way more money on Etsy than I have made!
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
Yes. I belong to one team. I have thought of joining others, but the team I am on is important to me. I like to have time for them and the events we hold. It’s the Homefront Team for military spouses. I love those girls. We also have a market on 1000 Markets that I help manage.
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?
Yes! My other shop, and the first one I created is http://bethjt.etsy.com. I sell my artwork, prints, jewelry, and other gifts like magnets and other things that I feel like making. Most of my jewelry is made from seaglass, but I also like using crystals and beads. I work with mainly sterling silver.

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
I have a blog. I have tried out some paid advertising that went well. When I get a good amount of inventory built up again I will do that again. I also twitter. And being on an Etsy team is a great promotion tool. I also have a small decal pasted on both of our vehicles, that has brought me an amazing bit of traffic.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
This IS what I do in my spare time. I crochet, I draw, I make jewelry, I hunt for seaglass, I take pictures, I doodle and brainstorm. My mind never seems to shut off. If I didn’t sell my creations I’d still be doing this, I enjoy it that much. Spending time with my family is the other thing.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
I have a blog where I ramble about whatever is going on or one my mind with my shop and the selling venues I am on. http://bethetsy.blogspot.com I also have a dotcom for my drawings, although I admittedly haven’t updated it in a while. http://www.thompsonportraits.com.
(16) Are there any blogs you follow regularly?
I follow my Etsy team’s blog http://www.homefrontartistryteam.blogspot.com/ There are also quite a few Homefront member blogs I follow. I also like to follow some blogs that regularly feature shops and do giveaways.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
Too many to list! I spend a LOT of time on Etsy, selling and shopping. I love bags, screen printed Ts, baby apparel and accessories, etc etc etc. There are just so many cool shops, I can’t think of just one to mention.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
Since I’m coming up on a year on Etsy, I guess I qualify to give a little advice. The first thing I consider important is customer service. Answering questions in a timely (and polite) manner is really important. While they are waiting for you to answer, they have time to find another shop to buy from. Take pride in your product and make it the best you can. Package it nicely and include a handwritten note. It is a turnoff for me to get a package in the mail to find my product just stuck inside and mailed off without a bit of personal touch. That personal touch is what I love about purchasing handmade.
I am a big believer in good quality product photos. When I stumble into a shop that hasn’t taken the time to take nice photos and I can’t tell what it really looks like or what the real color is supposed to be, I click right back out. It amazes me how many shops put up a blurry photo that tells me nothing about the product, then on top of that write two lines in the description. Won’t be spending my hard earned money there, sorry. If they won’t put the time and effort into their shop, then what does that say they will do with their product?
Don’t sit and wait for people to find you. Consider your shop a little corner of a really huge city of shops. If you don’t put up signs, tell people you are there, and rent billboards you are relying on a stray shopper to stumble in on their own accord. This happens, yes, but not as often as the people who come looking for you because they saw your link, or ad, or blog entry, or google search entry, or their friend who is friends with your friend who told them about it.
I could go on and on about the things I’ve learned and made mistakes doing on my own. But I’ll leave it at that. ;)
GIVEAWAY from TheYarnChick!
Featured Seller, TheYarnChick, is offering this GIVEAWAY to go along with her feature!
Enter now to win a CUSTOM slouchy beanie, $26 Value!

^ Beth will let the winner know what colors are available and the winner also has their choice of cotton/acrylic blend (as pictured) or a 100% cotton version. Beth will need two weeks to make the winner's hat!

Good Luck!
Enter now to win a CUSTOM slouchy beanie, $26 Value!

^ Beth will let the winner know what colors are available and the winner also has their choice of cotton/acrylic blend (as pictured) or a 100% cotton version. Beth will need two weeks to make the winner's hat!
(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! TheYarnChick will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in TheYarnChick's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR HANDBAG GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/giveyarn" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Monday, March 23rd at 11:59pm, est!
(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! TheYarnChick will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in TheYarnChick's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR HANDBAG GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/giveyarn" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Monday, March 23rd at 11:59pm, est!

Good Luck!
Friday, March 13, 2009
This giveaway has ended!
^ Read post for more details!And the winner is...
I will randomly choose the winner (using Random.org) and contact them via email. They will have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2009-03-18 19:16:34 UTC
Friday, March 6, 2009
Featured Seller: Carapace
(1) Who are you?
I'm the tall one, dressed all in green, looking for the handicap
entrance. The one who'll give you a lecture on ancient Minoan society
when you ask if I like greek food. On Etsy, I'm Carapace, and I am even more life threateningly verbose. And you know this, and gave me a questionairre anyway! Bwahahaha!
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
My shop is Carapace. The ultra-super-secret origin of the name has
never been revealed until now, because it's deeply geeky. I was part
of a roleplaying group at the time, and Carapace was the name of my
anthropomorphic insect character (if you don't do tabletop gaming,
you'll have to trust me when I say this is a perfectly normal thing in
such games). When the time came to start my Etsy shop, I realized I
had no focus in mind, and didn't want to sound too down-homey, so I
grabbed a word that I already identified with that had no particular
artistic meaning at all. And then the tagline came to me, and bingo,
shop name. I've had many people ask me what the word means, so apparently my
attempt to not trigger word-associated prejudice has been successful.
For those who don't know: A "carapace"is the hard protective outer
shell on things like turtles, bugs, and myself.
(3) What do you create and sell?
I make jewelry and illustrations with an unavoidable fantasy
component. Even when I'm trying to do very basic still life stuff. I
could delve deep into the uses of fantasy as allegory, or try to
explain the fantastic in my work as the result of my own tendency
towards visual hallucinations, but I think really I just find making
straight representations boring.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
I wish I could name a source for inspiration! Then I could put
inspiration into a condensed form in a little bottle, and stopper it
up, and uncork it when I had time to use it properly.
Unfortunately, I find inspiration to be more like humidity. All
around, in sometimes stifling quantities, but nigh impossible to get
usable amounts in usable form until it suddenly solidifies and falls
on my head for four hours straight, ruining the laundry in the
meantime. I think for the purposes of this metaphor, "the laundry" is my mood. I
am not a pleasant person to interrupt in mid art-gallop.

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
Right now, it's probably my FisherBird River Queen Print:
Just because it's rather different than my usual work, and I tried out
a new technique and it worked, so looking at it makes me feel all
triumphant. But really, nothing goes up on my Etsy site unless I
personally love it and would have it on my wall.
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
I have a Day Job,doing basic clerical work, which I enjoy because it
gets me out of the house. But I consider my artwork my real career.
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I properly started my Etsy shop in August 2008. But I've been hanging around Etsy as a buyer for a lot longer. I've sold my work erratically at fairs and such since I was 15. But I
consider Etsy my first real attempt at making a business out of my artwork.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Indeed! At any in-person venue that seems like it might be fun. I've
done renaissance fairs, anime conventions, and random craft fairs.
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
The people, no contest! I really appreciate Etsy's technical aspects--
I opened shop there because it was the simplest site with the lowest
entry fees-- but the people are why my shop stays up. My street teams
and forum friends help keep me focused, and having other artists
always around keeps away that "what am I doing with my life" panic
that often comes by when I realize the grand total of my weeklong
effort is a single painting.
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
I do indeed, and fine people they all are, to put up with a slacker
like me! I'm in the new Creatability team, which is small but capable,
and the Etsy Texas Team, which is properly Texas-sized, and the
FAEteam, who are the only people on Etsy liable to get half my
references. And there's also a chatty bunch who call themselves the
Etsy Friends Team, who I have dealings with on occasion.;)
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
Not enough, sadly. I find I'd rather create than promote. Any small-time art managers out there? Blogging's been pretty good for me, when I stick with it. I may someday explore the fascinating world of advertising. Or I may go paint.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
You're looking at it. Seriously, the internet eats more of my free
time than actually eating, and I am a woman who loves her feed. I try
to keep it down to an hour of dawdling most days, though.
Then again, the things that most people consider hobbies- art,
writing, crafting-- are my main occupation, so there's really nothing
but the internet to spend my discretionary time on. Unless one counts
housework as a distraction, which I'm happy to do.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
My blog is
It's tragically neglected, but still loved.
My shop is
It is somewhat less neglected.:)
(16) Are there any blogs you follow regularly?
Not as many as I should. The blogs I mostly follow are linked off my blog.
I will say, if you want me to follow your blog, don't load it down
with animation, soundtracks, or giant images.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
I check in on all my team mates with fair regularity.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
Spellcheck. Then do it again. Otherwise you'll miss out on searches.
Sell overseas. Just do it. Shipping is not that complicated, and
there's a huge international audience on Etsy who can and frankly
should snub you if you ignore their presence.
And finally, promote. Don't be like me, kids!
(1) Who are you?
I'm the tall one, dressed all in green, looking for the handicap
entrance. The one who'll give you a lecture on ancient Minoan society
when you ask if I like greek food. On Etsy, I'm Carapace, and I am even more life threateningly verbose. And you know this, and gave me a questionairre anyway! Bwahahaha!
(2) What is your shop name and how did you come up with it?
My shop is Carapace. The ultra-super-secret origin of the name has
never been revealed until now, because it's deeply geeky. I was part
of a roleplaying group at the time, and Carapace was the name of my
anthropomorphic insect character (if you don't do tabletop gaming,
you'll have to trust me when I say this is a perfectly normal thing in
such games). When the time came to start my Etsy shop, I realized I
had no focus in mind, and didn't want to sound too down-homey, so I
grabbed a word that I already identified with that had no particular
artistic meaning at all. And then the tagline came to me, and bingo,
shop name. I've had many people ask me what the word means, so apparently my
attempt to not trigger word-associated prejudice has been successful.
For those who don't know: A "carapace"is the hard protective outer
shell on things like turtles, bugs, and myself.
(3) What do you create and sell?
I make jewelry and illustrations with an unavoidable fantasy
component. Even when I'm trying to do very basic still life stuff. I
could delve deep into the uses of fantasy as allegory, or try to
explain the fantastic in my work as the result of my own tendency
towards visual hallucinations, but I think really I just find making
straight representations boring.
(4) What is your source for inspiration?
I wish I could name a source for inspiration! Then I could put
inspiration into a condensed form in a little bottle, and stopper it
up, and uncork it when I had time to use it properly.
Unfortunately, I find inspiration to be more like humidity. All
around, in sometimes stifling quantities, but nigh impossible to get
usable amounts in usable form until it suddenly solidifies and falls
on my head for four hours straight, ruining the laundry in the
meantime. I think for the purposes of this metaphor, "the laundry" is my mood. I
am not a pleasant person to interrupt in mid art-gallop.

(5) What is your favorite piece from your shop & why?
Right now, it's probably my FisherBird River Queen Print:
Just because it's rather different than my usual work, and I tried out
a new technique and it worked, so looking at it makes me feel all
triumphant. But really, nothing goes up on my Etsy site unless I
personally love it and would have it on my wall.
(6) Is running your shop your only job?
I have a Day Job,doing basic clerical work, which I enjoy because it
gets me out of the house. But I consider my artwork my real career.
(8) How long have you been selling on Etsy?
I properly started my Etsy shop in August 2008. But I've been hanging around Etsy as a buyer for a lot longer. I've sold my work erratically at fairs and such since I was 15. But I
consider Etsy my first real attempt at making a business out of my artwork.

(9) Do you sell outside of Etsy?
Indeed! At any in-person venue that seems like it might be fun. I've
done renaissance fairs, anime conventions, and random craft fairs.
(10) What do you like best about Etsy?
The people, no contest! I really appreciate Etsy's technical aspects--
I opened shop there because it was the simplest site with the lowest
entry fees-- but the people are why my shop stays up. My street teams
and forum friends help keep me focused, and having other artists
always around keeps away that "what am I doing with my life" panic
that often comes by when I realize the grand total of my weeklong
effort is a single painting.
(11) Do you belong to any teams?
I do indeed, and fine people they all are, to put up with a slacker
like me! I'm in the new Creatability team, which is small but capable,
and the Etsy Texas Team, which is properly Texas-sized, and the
FAEteam, who are the only people on Etsy liable to get half my
references. And there's also a chatty bunch who call themselves the
Etsy Friends Team, who I have dealings with on occasion.;)
(12) Do you have more than one Etsy shop?

(13) What do you do to promote your shop(s)?
Not enough, sadly. I find I'd rather create than promote. Any small-time art managers out there? Blogging's been pretty good for me, when I stick with it. I may someday explore the fascinating world of advertising. Or I may go paint.
(14) What do you do in your spare time?
You're looking at it. Seriously, the internet eats more of my free
time than actually eating, and I am a woman who loves her feed. I try
to keep it down to an hour of dawdling most days, though.
Then again, the things that most people consider hobbies- art,
writing, crafting-- are my main occupation, so there's really nothing
but the internet to spend my discretionary time on. Unless one counts
housework as a distraction, which I'm happy to do.
(15) What is your blog or website url?
My blog is
It's tragically neglected, but still loved.
My shop is
It is somewhat less neglected.:)
(16) Are there any blogs you follow regularly?
Not as many as I should. The blogs I mostly follow are linked off my blog.
I will say, if you want me to follow your blog, don't load it down
with animation, soundtracks, or giant images.

(17) Are there any particular Etsy shops you follow regularly?
I check in on all my team mates with fair regularity.
(18) Any advice (business, or otherwise) for fellow sellers?
Spellcheck. Then do it again. Otherwise you'll miss out on searches.
Sell overseas. Just do it. Shipping is not that complicated, and
there's a huge international audience on Etsy who can and frankly
should snub you if you ignore their presence.
And finally, promote. Don't be like me, kids!
GIVEAWAY from Carapace!
Featured Seller Cara of Carapace has decided to offer a giveaway with her feature!
Enter now for your chance to win a CUSTOM piece of art!!
$30 Value!

Enter now for your chance to win a CUSTOM piece of art!!
$30 Value!

^^ One custom drawing, in color, of any single character the winner likes. Character from a novel, themselves as a snow demon, a seahorse playing cards, whatever. Check out Cara's shop or blog to see examples of her work...there's a lot there! And she'll convo with them to make sure she's getting this custom piece right.

Good Luck!
(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! Carapace will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in Carapace's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR ART GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/asxrcl" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Friday, March 13th at 11:59pm, est!
(1) This giveaway is open to US Residents ONLY! Carapace will ONLY mail the prize to an address in the United States!
(2) The winning comment number will be randomly chosen (using Random.org) and I will contact them via email. The winner will only have 24 hours to respond with their home address.
(3) Comment this blog with your favorite item in Carapace's shop! Make sure to leave your email address and/or your etsy shop so I can contact you! I will NOT contact you through your blogger account!
(4) For an extra entry, tweet this "@manniemandible ENTER ME TO WIN YOUR ART GIVEAWAY http://tinyurl.com/asxrcl" and leave a comment here with your twitter username.
(5) This giveaway will end on Friday, March 13th at 11:59pm, est!

Good Luck!
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